Are you confused about what Powers of Attorney means? This blog post will help clear it up.

Imagine you’re living your life as you always have done – you get up in the morning, you feed your kids and yourself, you go to work, you come home, make dinner, watch some TV, and get everyone to bed, before going to sleep yourself and doing it all over again tomorrow. Sometimes you’ll do something different, an exercise class perhaps, or meet friends for dinner, head to the beach for a walk, but most of the time, we live our lives in some form of routine.
Then one day, your routine falls apart. Maybe you are struck down with an illness, a mystery virus, or maybe you’re in a car accident, or maybe even you begin to notice that you’re not remembering things the same as before. Whatever the cause, the possibility of suddenly not having your own autonomy, your ability to make your own decisions about what you want to eat, how you want to dress, whether or not to accept that particular medical treatment, or even where you might live, is real, and none of us know if or when it might happen to us.
If we can never know if or when it might happen to us, why bother to think about it? Better to simply banish the thoughts from our heads, and just hope for the best? An alternative exists.
A Power of Attorney can be to deal with your finances, or your personal welfare, or both. You can include any powers you want to cover any scenario you can imagine affecting your life. You are in charge. You choose the person or people you trust to make decisions about you, your finances and your welfare. The person you choose has to agree to be appointed, but otherwise, you have full control over what decisions you’re allowing that person to make for you. Peace of mind. Once it’s in place, the “what if the worst happens” is taken care of. You can relax knowing what will happen.
If you’d like to discuss what a Power of Attorney could mean for you, please get in touch.